As soon as we set foot on dry land we were bundled into tractor-pulled trailers to get carried up the long and winding hill that leads you away from the small harbour. Here's a photo of my Mama looking lovely in the sunshine.
As we wandered around the village I couldn't resist posting a postcard to a friend through this Olympic Gold letter box. A resident of Sark won gold last year in Dressage and so the island was awarded with this.
Sadly my favourite to win, Ewesain Bolt let me down despite his amazingly well thought-out name. However my mum won back £1.50 on her £1 bet on Whoopsie Daisy!
After watching our share of The Races we had more of a wander around the beautiful sights of the island. The Window in the Rock (or Port Du Moulin) is one of my favourite views ever. A health and safety nightmare, The Window in the Rock is a tiny square naturally cut out of the cliffs and looks out over this view, there are no railings or barriers so one slip and you'd be a goner! Luckily I remained as sure footed as a mountain goat and managed to take this beautiful photo of the views from there.
This little visit to Sark was only a short one and I was disappointed not to have the opportunity to go over to 'Little Sark' during the day but this is a bit of a long walk unless you hire bikes for the day. (My mum always jokes that a small birthmark that she has resembles the shape of Little Sark and also claims that she saw a ghost there when she was younger!) With more stunning views it is adjoined to the main island and is well worth a visit if you are staying for the whole weekend. Until next time, Sark!